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ULTIS in Business

We are ROI strategists.

and problem solvers.


Your partner in success.




The business success and

strategy experts.






Problem Solve.



That's our review and strategy.

I want a once off audit to capitalise upon room for improvement.

We pull apart your concept to review, test, and develop strategy with expected ROI.

I have an existing business.

I want a problem solved, and support when needed.

That's our pay per use.

Our pay per use come with expected or potential ROI.

I want a high performing business partner.

That's what we are.

We act as your commercial business partner and guardian to your vision to ensure best result.

I want it (the business stuff) all

done for me.

We do that to.

Our in house team deliver to our level of strategic excellence, meaning best result for you.

I have an idea for a business.

I have an idea,

but no idea where to start.

That's our review and strategy.

We build prototypes with our review and strategy service, for guaranteed results.

I want support when it's needed as I grow.

That's our pay per use.

Our pay per use come with expected or potential ROI.

I want a high performing business partner.

That's what we are.

We act as your commercial business partner and guardian to your vision to ensure best result.

I want it (the business stuff) all

done for me.

We do that to.

Our in house team deliver to our level of strategic excellence, meaning best result for you.

I want


Real results.

We back ourselves by building prototypes. Results are guaranteed if you follow our advice.

No drama.

We don't like drama, we keep it simple, and always communicate to resolve.

Proactive action.

Welcome to the A Team.

We don't waste time or action, be ready to keep up.

Daily wins.

That's what we do.

Daily wins, even during difficult situations.



We develop strategies daily, and prototypes for clients, and if they choose to not take advantage of the opportunities, we have ready made and tested business concepts available to purchase.


Our results speak volume.



We took a bankrupt man who had lost all hope, to projecting $27mil per month in just 8 weeks. He now calls our founder boss. You can read about this case study here.


We took a talented analyst and built him a strategy to more than 100x his performance, but also a business as well. He now calls our founder boss. You can read about this case study here.


A one day per week startup made $80,000 in 6 weeks, and sold for $100,000 soon after.

The buyer retained our services. You can read about this case study here.


We developed a strategy for an industry standard $2000 day business to successfully complete $2000 per hour, and upto $50,000 days. You can ready about this case study here.


From homeless, to $10,000 weeks in 3 weeks. We are ending the struggle for people in need. You can read about this case study here.


How a business with 100 Facebook followers is doing 10x more business than a business with 30,000 followers.  It's all in the strategy.








We are the difference between success and failure in business, with a Tier 2 company collapsing after our founder’s advice was not taken to avoid it. Luckily for some, our founder’s generosity meant those left without a job were provided employment through our means, and a new company with the exact strategy developed is now flourishing in replacement of one that failed to listen providing jobs for those in need.



We are leaders in business turnaround and successful startups. We are leaders of innovation, strategy and engagement.



The reason we have such profound results for our client is due to our care factor, and complete OCD for ROI, because we are strategists, not mentors or coaches. We do mentor you to achieve the results delivered by your review and strategy phases, however we lead by example, and have greatly defied the odds in most industries due to smart strategy. We pull apart the current situation, build a prototype to test the market and strategic insights, and then we develop a strategy for you, to achieve those results identified during that phase.


We build businesses that care, new or existing, to outperform industry standards through innovation and ROI strategy. We have this same impact on people, and investment. We lead by example. Our businesses are high performing, and award recognised for innovation and performance excellence. We back ourselves. We know our service works, because we build prototypes during our master strategy phase that provide true results, and if our clients don’t deliver well, we usually do.

We want to ensure your success - but we can’t force you to want it. 


1. The most important one.

    Real Results.


We back ourselves, we know our value, and we lead by example. You can view our results here, read our client journeys, and even speak with our clients to gain confidence. But please know, we are here to provide a hand up, not spoon feed. We are your shortcuts to success, and manager of blindspots, and act as guardian to your vision. + partner in success.

2. Flexibility, and Value.



We put you in control. Our review and strategy process is the Master Strategy that confirms start to finish the summary of actions required to achieve outlined performance measures, but if you’re not quite ready for that, our pay-per-use service is exactly that, pay per use. We bill in potential ROI, and don’t waste time or money, in fact, you can tell us whether you want us to be proactive behind the scenes, or reactive, and wait for your instruction.

3. The Guardian Effect



We’re not here to sugarcoat things - we exist to ensure success, and with that, we become the guardian of your vision, and your vote of confidence to clients, with our pay-it-forward system. With your proactive action, because proactive will always beat reactive, if you share our vision with your world, for each successful referral we’ll reward you with $50 credit for your account.before the invoice is due.

How we work

How we work.

First things first.


We charge for our service, and every time we action your file, it is billed for. But not to worry, our results are worth it - and you can pay for our service via AUD$ or proactive pay-it-forward credits (PIF$).


Our pay-it-forward credits are used to gain insight whilst providing benefit to you and the community.


  1. It indicates your level of commitment - engagement and networking is a vital part of success, ULTIS is an easy subject to talk about,(humanity, paying it forward, money, success) - with your referrals, we know you’re working equally as hard on your own vision as what we are for you.

  2. Proactive credits to you - the more gratitude you show for our commitment to your success, the less your bill becomes with referrals, with each referral worth $50AUD. If every individual and business was to use ULTIS, we'd be providing a lot of homes, jobs, opportunity and action for people in need.

  3. The Guardian Effect - we become your vote of confidence for clients, when you refer to us, we back your vision as we drive your strategy. 

  4. Opportunity - We also proactively share your vision with our ever growing networks for constant opportunities, as we are your partner for success. Our master strategy phase may also present active opportunities during testing phase for you to act upon.

  5. Helping Community - we help everyone, as long as they want to help themselves. That person you referred, now has success knocking at their door because of your recommendation.

  6. Awareness - by becoming an ULTIS backed vision, your brand awareness will grow with us.



If you're a cleaner, and you see a person needing help in business, investment or life, and you recommend ULTIS to them, you gain the credit ($50), and they mention you, we back you up as a business, we share you with our networks, we know you're high performing because we drive your strategy, so they become a client of yours with the third party confidence. Help yourself. Help others. Reap the benefits.



Key Fact:

Proactive will always beat reactive in life and business. Your pay-it-forward credits are due before your invoice is due, so be proactive.

What do we actually do?


1. We review, identifying opportunities for growth and room for improvement.

2. We test theories through insight and prototype modelling, and develop strategy.

3. We deliver advice to clients, to act upon.


Clients then:

  • Act upon it themselves, following our advice

  • Act upon it themselves, with our ongoing support

  • Request our engagement, to deliver the action.


Our ROI strategist acts as guardian to client visions, and our in-house service delivery team performs to her expectations, resulting in best outcomes for clients.

How we work.

The initial



To discuss what we do, how we do it, your situation, and if we are a good fit.

FEE: $250 + GST

or $0 with our first impressions option.


If you leave a first impression review, how we left you feeling, and shout out to your networks, this session is complimentary, in fact, if you're extra proactive, all our service can only cost you effort (as needed for success) with our pay-it-forward system.


After this, the choice is yours. Use our very popular 'pay-per-use' to begin with, but we promise you - you'll need our review and strategy services soon enough.


Or... be proactively prepared with our review and strategy first..

Pick your starting point.

1. Master Strategy

2. Pay-Per-Use

3. High Performance Delivery

4. Insight Projects

We understand that individuals are unique, and some are not as obsessed about success and ROI strategy as what we are, that is why we are flexible with our delivery. However as we lead by example, with highly successful businesses, investments and services, our time and effort is charged for. Each time we action your file, it is billed, either by project fee (fixed fee), or by pay-per-use. If you don’t want the full package of success, you can kick off with our pay per use, and purchase our master strategy at a later date.

Master Strategy

1. Master Strategy


Part 1. Review $2500 + Part 2. Strategy $2500


This is our foundational start point, we review, test and develop your business or idea to our ROI standard, and provide a c-suite summary strategy with broad insights and early action points for you to see a full view of potentials should you action proactively.


The strategy will outline a number of subsections needing action. Subsections may need individual strategies to fully capitalise on the performance measures indicated upon.




From here:


  1. You can act upon this independently, or:


  1. We can consult with you on a pay-per-use schedule to ensure you’re on the right track for delivery, and/or:


  1. Our strategist can project manage and oversee in-house service delivery of engagement items.

Pay Per Use

2. Pay-Per-Use Service​


Each time we action your file, it is billed. Our pay-per-use express consultations are very popular due to their potential ROI.


Time is priceless in the world of success, for best ROI. A 3-minute strategy consultation can save you hours, days, weeks of dwelling, and provide big ROI opportunity with us. However, if you've not chosen to start with the master strategy, the onus is on you to be proactive in your sessions with us, and advise us to commence work.



A $25 investment of our service gained a 4-figure ROI opportunity for a client. A $250 investment of our service, gained a 5-figure ROI opportunity for a client. The sessions problem solve, save you time and money, and keep you on track for strong ROI. No lock-in contract, pay per session. Clients use this service daily, weekly, monthly as needed. Starting from $25 per session, plus the action time (so let's call it from $50 per session, as we may have to action something before/after speaking to you - a lot goes on behind the scenes with us).

High Performance Delivery

3. High Performance Delivery



Our ROI strategist acts as guardian to your business for best outcome, and project manages the in-house service delivery to ensure optimum results.


ROI Strategy + Service Delivery = Optimum Result.


Our engagement and deliver services encompass digital, physical, commercial and creative in-house services.


A $750 fee provided 6-figure ROI opportunity.

A $80 fee provided 4-figure ROI opportunity.

A 5-figure fee provided 8-figure ROI opportunity.

US vs The Others


Our client businesses are at capacity without social media, we see digital as a brand function, and an ingredient to revenue.


Our physical engagement results speak volume, with 4-figure ULTIS fees delivering 5-figure ROI opportunity.


Whilst others charge 5-figures for website development, we start from $500 and focus on ROI, because we are ROI strategists.


We are the difference between a 20,000 following showing no ROI, and a 200 following showing five figure daily ROI.


Insight Projects

4. Insight Projects


These are additional concentrated versions of the master strategy to achieve specific outcomes.

5. Ongoing opportunities


We’re always going places in the world of innovation and success, we’re global. Grow with us. We are your business partners in success. 




What is ROI?

Return on Investment. In our case, commercial and measurable ROI. A Facebook advertisement can provide x insights, but we focus on the ROI strategy that delivers the measurable, financial results in addition to the marketing insights, and that’s why our Facebook page with 200 followers does 100x ROI then others with 20,000 followers.


I’m only on a limited budget, can I afford it?

You have to spend (invest) money to make money, given we’ve proven the only difference between person A (homeless) and person B (chief engineer), both our clients, is opportunity (ULTIS), and action (them, with our help), that homeless man took a few days to get a job with us, and a few weeks to start earning $10,000 per week. Our pay-it-forward credits make our service accessible to all, by also proving to us you want to achieve it.


What will you cost in the long run?

As much, or as little, as needed. Put it this way, a client projecting six figure wins weekly, we built their strategy from ground up, and implemented staff to deliver as per our advice - our average weekly cost to that client was $800 per week to oversee everything. If at any time we feel you’re not up to standard, we’ll scale back - But we are known as a lifeline to businesses, and become their partner in success.


If you’re so good, why don’t you do profit share?

We do, with our ongoing business clients, there is a % expectation, but our retainer is the minimum, because we always aim to over deliver, however, teamwork makes the dream work. There’s been countless times we’ve delivered high performing strategies for clients, who don’t get the importance of action, and well, we’ve later delivered that strategy ourselves with great success.


What are your credentials?

A hot topic in the world of coaches and mentors nowadays, is how on earth can one mentor or coach when not a success themselves? We’ll beat that - how the hell can someone advise when they’ve only succeeded in the good times, and not boomed in the bad times? We’re experts at tough times, in fact our strategies test for mass failure to build trouble proof businesses (that’s why we help the vulnerable, because easy success gets boring on repeat). In addition to this, years of odds defying business experience across a range of industries, and being born into a global business family of the same nature also helps, along with tertiary education in business, marketing, management, journalism and public relations - but most importantly - we’re an open book, all integrity, even when sh&t gets tough, we make it epic.


What is your success rate?

We’re not business coaches or mentors, although our clients call us that, and well, that’s a part of the process we suppose, we’re ROI strategists, who test our theories, with a 100% success rate if and when people follow the advice given.


But people are not robots?

We respect that - we’ve been told we’re not human due to our results. Our relationship with you is transparent, you tell us what you want to achieve, and we’ll get you there. It won’t be all easy days, we learn and grow from mistakes, but we will get you there.


How do you evaluate progress?

With every effort. Each time we action your file, it is billed for, with estimated ROI, we review your progress with every effort, and address appropriately when things happen.


What is your specialty?

Making it happen. We’re a broad spectrum ROI strategy and engagement firm. Although well experienced in a few niche industries, our focus is ROI, and you can view our results across all industries here.








The fine print = Common sense.


Our time and efforts are charged for, we know our value, but we can't force you to succeed.


Extended time is charged from $500 per hour + GST.

Our time is valuable, and if a fixed project fee is not applicable, or our time block allowances are exhausted, our extended time charge will be applicable. Not to stress, our average problem solving consultations average $20-$100 and come with solid ROI opportunity, and that is why our clients love us. We don't waste time or money, and nor should you. Our pay-it-forward currency is the equivalent of $50 per referral credit, and our pay-it-forward currency also shows your level of commitment to your own success, whilst acting as a confirmation support of your business.



We’re all grown adults and mature minds here, leading by example, and we request the same from you. Imperfect is welcome. Mistakes are welcome, but we must all remain open, raw, honest, respectful with communication to grow from experience. During our review and strategy phase, we build a prototype to test the theory, confirming the insights delivered in the strategy delivered to you, so we know, with the right effort, results will come. We will not do your job for you, as nothing is gained from being spoon fed in life, and with that being said, we will hold your hand and guide you to success, but we won’t be held accountable for lack of action if our advice is not followed. Payment is due when invoiced, either before, or following completion of work. If there is a merchant fee associated with payment type, it will be charged and itemised on the invoice. Our pay it forward credits are the equivalent to $50 per referral, and can be used on any of our services as a credit as we work together to change the way the world does business. Our pay it forward system also ensures enough engagement for your benefit. Any constructive feedback is welcomed to be resolved before the due date of the invoice, we don’t take to negative reviews lightly, as our door is always open to grow and evaluate our service to ensure best outcome. We believe in consequence, if you can’t have an adult conversation with us to resolve issues respectfully, and choose to go down the toxic path, we will set an example of you, because social impact is important to us - adults are supposed to lead the way for younger generations. We are business strategists and mentors to help you achieve success, we are not financial advisers or qualified specialised experts in any field but business, marketing, public relations and journalism, with extensive experience of results across business, people and investment. Our success comes from our priceless years of experience, and that is what you’re paying for. A 10% GST and 2% processing fee applies to all pricing. Each time we action your file, through working on your file, or in meetings with you, or on your behalf, the time is charged for, either via project fee or pay per use.












Our case studies | Our results can be viewed in short summary via @ultispro below, or long summary via our blog below, as they happen.



The Fine Print
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