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A day in the life of Suzannah Dacre - Wednesday - with an investment hangover.

My UBER driver told me to document this - as people find my life fascinating. I love what I do, and although I don't have to work, as our investment provides extremely well - they say the biggest measure of success is the impact you leave on the world - so here goes.

It’s Wednesday morning, the clock says 4.30am, the sky is still dark, but my brain is ticking - because what we do is very, very important. The lives of individuals depend on our vision, and we rely on the performance of our strategy across our partner businesses, so capital can be raised, and invested to grow, to provide opportunity for individuals to improve their life.

I feel insanely hungover - I don’t drink alcohol, so that’s not the reason, but it was yesterday’s trading on one of the busiest days of the year, which saw 51% net on capital for our custom investment - and it’s fair to say our lead analyst and I were absolutely knackered after yesterday. He’s usually up at 3am to start the day - and he slept in until 8am - that speaks the level of exhaustion.

I’m also a mother, to an extraordinary six-year-old, who is recognised for her kindness and compassion for kids, and adults alike, and it is fair to say she is her mother’s daughter... And she has a full 7 day schedule of extra-curricular activities performing well above her age grade to keep up with - and it’s coming into concert and competition season, and that means rehearsals. She was recently one of 16 eight-year-olds (she’s the six year old in that group) selected for higher performance, on a national level - but that changes everything. She is a child that makes all the decisions, but if she takes this on, she may need a concierge of her own. Add that to concert prep - and you have a positively overwhelming recipe for a mother’s meltdown.

But here’s the thing - I was a kid with nannies and guards, and I don’t want that for our daughter. I want to be a mum, and be there for her - and that’s about finding balance.

The daily life is a balancing act - you see, our investment is worldwide, and 24/7 - and we act when markets move, which is every minute of everyday. There is no Sunday sleep in, or weekend for us. We are on call for clients, businesses and individuals - and that’s what we are here for, to care, and problem solve.

But as any parent knows, the morning school run, is chaotic, more so when you’ve got a large investment account that needs to be traded smartly, and best entry times are between 8am and 10am.

After the school run, and the investment placed, we then day trade - and that involves me managing the analysts and traders, and being the decision maker for very important trades - and our influence (strategy) means that 27% net on capital today and 51% net on capital yesterday, and positive results for our multi tiered members - those results provided a lot of hope and progression for people in need - and keeps us at the top of what many call the world’s most powerful investment, not because it turns big % and is safe, but because the fees go towards providing for people in need.

On top of the investment - I’m known as boss to many visions, big and small, for strategy and engagement - and today was like any other day…

I sit at the top of a client construction company projecting $20mil per month - we pulled this business out of a total collapse, now we’re their lifeline - and that’s OK - because our fee for success gets re-invested to provide opportunity for others. This is a female led big construction vision, in a male dominant industry, but that is OK - I’m the daughter of a lawyer and builder, and I can handle the egos and BS - and this vision - is one that's peeling the layers off an industry known for suicide and depression, it’s known as one of the biggest contributors to male suicide - and ULTIS is putting a stop to that - yes, you heard right - ULTIS has a massive pay-it-forward rule, if we help your industry, we’re helping you - and everyone else with our ripple effect, to problem solve dilemmas of everyday people.

Today - I confirmed a 30% saving on their production costs - that’s 30% extra room to improve on performance. Last week I was “brutal” with the Director on all levels, for their best interest, and today we saw the improvement start, but that also means my boss status raising, and plenty more phone calls. The entire team comes to me as the decision maker, and that includes international.

Oh - and the other part - I'm known as the deal maker - these are multi million dollar contracts, that I’m responsible for - but why the hell not. They always say, if someone will make it happen, it will be Suzannah.

Then come the smaller businesses and individuals… there is absolutely no ‘priority list’ each vision is equal in our world, and we balance them all.

Today I had to hunt down one of our Centrelink tenants, who is catching up on their arrears, because we have built them a business projecting $3000 per week, and that ends their Centrelink cycle - BUT they have to prove themselves with their arrears first - and the clock is ticking for this little startup which is bursting at the seams with demand. Yes, that tenant was $8000 in arrears, on Centrelink - BUT doesn't want to lose the opportunity with us - and again, our strategy proves people on Centrelink can pay their dues - and that's nearly paid off.

You see - we use our success to buy properties, or re-invest - to help others. Our houses are provided to the homeless, and the ‘forgotten’ - we build their life strategy - no hand outs, and we only let them access our properties if they allow us to help them change their lives - and that’s working well, with the current tenants looking to buy their own home in the next 12 months with our strategy. That’s not a bad result from a strategy.

We talked another individual out of bankruptcy - because life is not over. Like the above, you are only one decision away from change. Welcome to the ULTIS team - we prove NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Even our tenants who set our property on fire have help with us - but also discipline.

Oh deal soul, you’re in beauty? We built a shoebox beauty room - turned $80,000 in 6 weeks, and sold it for $100,000 a few weeks later - in a foreign city! And we’ve proven salons can do $50,000 a day - that’s just one industry, of the many, we have an impact on.

We completed our review and strategy phases of a couple of visions, whilst also reviewing incoming communications from clients (we see you all! - and will be in touch over the next few days!).

We took a phone call from a semi-frustrated client - and explained we have about 200 voicemails to return to - and there’s only one me - admin can support the logistics, but until I find a way to clone myself for people and businesses - it’s just me for my brain power.

I also manage the entire team of experts responsible for meeting the ULTIS standard of results across all of our services offered.

Reviews Suzannah... strategies Suzannah… success Suzannah - because if we make these businesses successful, that’s more ripple effect, and more jobs for individuals, the more capital to help people in need. Let’s do it!

Our average strategy is completed in 40-100 hours, and that’s not including the initial review, or the build of the prototype. And pleeeasssseeee, we don’t run by a textbook, there is no instruction manual to what we do - it comes when the brain works, and that can be at anytime - and sometimes the most random of times.

We confirmed our world calendar for 2021 - yes, we work 2 years in advance.

Wait - is that the fire alarm, again…. really? People really need to stop setting our apartment complex on fire - because we have a 16-year-old West Highland Terrier and a cat-like Shihtzu that don’t enjoy 10 storeys of stairways in a rush - and there goes some of my time today whilst the fire bridge resolves that issue - well, at least the dogs got a midday walk for a change.

Back to it - yes, we can work in office, but we service globally - and I prefer to work in my pyjamas - so home today it is.

A few successful contracts confirmed for our clients - YAY! More capital, and more people to help! A 100% accuracy for our investment today - YAY! 27% on capital for our custom, and a win for our Tier 1 members.

Here comes 3pm - Homework time, whilst multitasking with clients files. Wednesday - phew, the temporary day off of after school sports.

Around 5pm - was our investment recap of today, and preparation for tomorrow.

New enquiries are acknowledged, and added to the thinktank.

Its 9:00pm now, and I’m just getting into the international client list (time zones and all) - now one may say I work too much - but here’s the thing, when you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life - and that is what ULTIS does for people.

In a few hours - I’ll review today, and plan for tomorrow, the next day, the next week - all in the name of success.

Whoever you are reading this - it doesn’t matter your position in life - anything is possible - and we are here to help.

Happy Wednesday all!


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