Monday wrap up is here, and like every day I’m blessed and absolutely grateful to say, I’m alive, and well.
+ close to +50 units on the weekend investment
+ Monday delivers 10 units on the investment
+ Problem solving with great ROI for clients
+ Six year old doing the dishes - priceless!
If I ever find myself going through a tough spot, I remember the time as a new mum when mum died after being her fulltime carer with MND, then hubby being in ICU on life support shortly after, and fake news spreading about me globally, meditating repeating to myself, I’m alive, I’m not in pain, and nothing is actually impacting me negatively - and I kick on with my day.
The sadness last week when a dear known individual and her family were sadly taken from this world has shaken the country. Hannah was a mutual friend through a friend, and I had met her during my days in the fitness industry. Friend or not, no one deserves this treatment, in fact, no one deserves any toxic treatment, no matter their mistakes - as adults, we are meant to lead by example. May she and her family rest in peace.
In the same week, a little girl, and strangers in a convenience store were all stabbed by the little girl’s mother, and when the little girl screamed out ‘my mum is going to kill me’ - a man came to help her, and was brutally stabbed, along with the little girl.
It’s a sombre start to a wrap up of a positive day and weekend - but I feel the need to bring perspective in this movement, and our core purpose of paying it forward, and problem solving as a community, because changing the law will be a reactive improvement, it would not have saved Hannah and the kids, it was only to provide consequence to follow, much like the little girl. This is not a gender war, but a social war of attitude and perspective.
We must as an entire community, come together on all tough topics, and communicate to resolve, not to hate. We’ve helped a number of DV victims move onto new lives happily, and we’ve also gotten involved in the arguments, and lay down some ground rules, in fact I’m quite well known to be blunt for best result - and I will always get involved, if I believe I can help. So much so, we resolved some of the government’s trolls on the Centrelink argument the other night, asking their position, their location, and days later had provided job opportunities with our clients. That’s the ripple effect of what we do. We use our power for purpose in investment and business, to make people successful, so they can pay-it-forward to change the world. Problem solved.
On to more positive news, the weekend delivered over 35 units of profit, I haven’t fully reconciled due to exhaustion, I’m fairly sure it’s closer to 50 units, however today delivered well over 10 units of profit - and more positive news, that our differences with our investment client were somewhat resolved in today’s meeting, which means members will feel full benefit.
An $833.33 fee of our time with the client stepped out the rules and consequence of our service, we built his vision from ground up, delivered the strategy and the rules, and developed the tiers for him, however if he fails to meet us in the middle and heed our advice, that IP we will keep for the member’s benefit and roll out the vision ourself. Our time is valuable between the investment and our strategic brain, and whilst our fees based on our hourly or project rate are normally under $100 per problem solved in conservation, this one was an extended meeting of laying down our rules for a positive resolution for all involved, including a multi million dollar benefit for the client. A good ROI even if a tough conversation had to be had.
Our morning actually kicked off with traffic (yawn), causing a slight delay to our international meetings, with some very profile fans of our vision all the way from SIngapore and other international destinations - we are working some magic with their dreams, how exciting. Now this $1000 usual time charge would have provided them with well into 6 figure goal ROI in such a short matter of time, however as this initial conversation had a lot of love, our pay it forward credits will go to good use here, saving this new vision the expense.
After this meeting, we dashed back to the office, despite all the missed calls and messages, for our slightly delayed 11:00 am meeting, a beautiful new client, and introductory appointment, of which a $183 time fee, produced well into 5-6 figure potential ROI.
From there, a $58 time charge provided problem solving advice to get a six figure deal over the line for a client, then after that a $183 time fee provided risk mitigation for a client, avoiding a whole world of hurt, and five figure benefit, and after that, another $183 fee for that client to provide yet another successful six figure ROI, and then a $67 time charge provided problem solving solutions for another client for contract terms in what seemed an impossible target for them, but an easy success for us.
We’re all about super strong ROI for clients through smart strategy and excellent engagement, and the ROI is very profoundly described above.
Now, our daily bankroll from services rendered and paid for, turn over in our investment, and provide new hope and opportunity for vulnerable people to get a start on changing their lives.
On a more family note, the other day, Bella and I watched a male with a bad attitude be delivered with funny karma, and my delightful young daughter spits out in a confident tone to ‘nail it on the head’.... “Ah mum, consequences for bad behaviour” - I could not contain my smile and laughter, a little legend in the making is leading by example and not afraid to put adults in their place, after all, they’re meant to be leading by example.
On the parenting side, my six year old earns her place by cleaning the house, doing the washing, watering the plants and helping with the grocery list… and we chuckled when we saw a follow mumprenuer featured on the Today Show today, and then get blasted by trolls saying she’s a bad mum by making her kids help around the house. We support you Keira.
On an administrative note, I’m resorting to locking myself in my office with no interruptions to better manage my time, with daily schedules monitored heavily, so I can better look after everyone on the investment, people and business sides of our vision. We look forward to time effective management of our successes, and now with daily progress sheets with clients to stay ahead or on-track with our service, hopefully the response time will ease a little, remembering my mornings are usually investment prioritised, before meetings, then client work.
May this week bring you success in whatever you wish to achieve.
- Suzannah