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The journey that is life. Our week in review.

Writer's picture: ULTISproULTISpro

We run a very tight schedule, and an extraordinary vision.

Whilst our founder sits as the top, and is known as CEO of some very innovative companies, she is also one of the kindest, tolerant, and positive people you’ll ever meet, proving nothing is impossible - and humans are exactly that, only human.

This last week has been a roller coaster ride.

A client of ours, who was facing jail time for an alleged crime we struggled to believe happened given the circumstances, was found not guilty - and we breathed a very big sigh of relief - even though he states our founder was the one who kept him breathing, and she reminded him, even if found guilty, the managed account would still grow in his absence, so he’d have something to come out to once his sentence is done. Thankfully, we were right in our thoughts, and experience with the law, that an honest resolution would be found. We’ve worked with him for months, provided a home, numerous jobs and opportunity, and will continue to provide for him, as long as he abides by our rules of integrity, and does good for society. His family thanks us, as they too had given up on him when he was off the rails, but he has chosen the right path, to do good - and that’s why we’re here to help. And well, it's our rule of discipline, make a mistake, own it, never repeat it - or you'll be cut off, from our investment, and from our service.

Our investment returned 2.46% net on capital today, 7% yesterday, and 10% on Wednesday, and keeps powering on into December, and whilst we try to explain what we do, people get caught up in the fascination that is #ultispro.

ULTISpro for investment - home to one of the world’s most powerful investments, where the profits grow to help others, and the members benefit their own financial situation. That is our performance investment, and we also are across financial, and all traditional types of investments, to ensure we are always ahead of the game with smart strategy to deliver best results.

ULTISpro for business - Businesses come to ULTISpro to be helped, with the added benefit of helping others through our pay it forward motion. The fees for our strategic genius, and in house delivery team, and business partner to all who want to succeed, get invested in our investment, to provide starting capital for those who need it most - not through handouts, but opportunity, and action. We deliver strategy, engagement, and C-suite level services, business turnaround programs, and all in-house delivery of those ground breaking strategies to gain results, where a business then pays for our service and time in AUD$ or pay it forward credits. And yes, we’ve taken bankrupt to projecting $20mil per month, and little household businesses to $10,000 weeks. And along with mass improvement in their business, and paying it forward to change lives, those businesses then get a business partner, and very powerful network to continue to succeed with our system. Just ask our cleaner who now has a pathway into hundreds of Tier 1 clients, and a new life with opportunities for six figure contracts with them. Yes, that’s right, we built that business from scratch for that client, now all they have to do is deliver the service well - and we’ll support them every step of the way.

ULTISpro for people - People come to us for help. Our extraordinary success rate with jobs is because of our strategy and engagement, presenting the right way, and relying on the right strategy for success, for both the employer, and employee - whether entry level, or C-suite experience. The fit has to be right for both sides. This is far more than just resume writing, or job agency services, hence our success. Again this is paid in AUD$ or pay-it-forward credits.

Where people are unable to work, or find work, or we are busy building their dream venture in business, those fees above we mentioned, provide starting capital for their opportunity - to cover our fees and effort, or their emergent needs.

For example, a single mother, who we’re building the dream for, put a cry out for help last week, and within the same call, we provided a job opportunity right down her alley of passion. So straight away, her business is a work in progress, her unemployed status is about to end with new opportunity, and well, our growing donation fund, sits at about $500 this week alone for one account of profits.

But the question is, and we work this out with our clients individually, how is this money best used?

We’ve put in the effort to mentor and support them, build their dream business, gain job opportunities for them, review their current life status, and turn everything around for them - and that service needs to be paid for - and this is why very early on, we introduce our pay-it-forward system, by where every recommendation receives $50 credit to apply to their balance. And along with the credit, it also shows the effort and level of discipline required to be successful in anything in life or business. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

This is why we need to be very conservative with who we help, and make decisions based on their actions. And if they abide by our agreement, by paying it forward and doing right by covering our efforts through payment or pay it forward credits, that funding goes to them to help them get on top of life, whilst their dream continues to build momentum.

So if you’re a person, or business, wanting to either help change the world, or get help yourself for your goals in business or life, we are here to help - but only if you want to be helped.


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