We are strategists. We make things happen.
Results. Value. Wow.
Problem Solve.
Jay's journey
Before ULTIS
Drugs. Crime. Unemployment.
Homelessness. Jay was a
self proclaimed lost cause.
Inessa's journey​
Before ULTIS
Living with a disability, and caring for her mother with dementia, Inessa was struggling to make ends meet.
Will's journey​
Before ULTIS
A normal guy with a trade, living comfortably.
Tegan's journey​
Before ULTIS
A single mum struggling to make ends meet.​
with ULTIS
Jay is now employed, independent, drug free, and well invested. Living happily.
with ULTIS
Inessa is now well invested, seeing 5 figures profit in her first week, and running her own business.
with ULTIS
Will is now at c-suite level, high in demand, a home owner with great returns, and a smart investor.
with ULTIS
ULTIS provided not one, not two, but three job opportunities, an investment Tegan loves, and a small business opportunity.
How we help people.
We help people of all walks of life, with a top down, bottom up approach, and we are successful because we don’t give up on people, even when they have given up on themselves.
We have helped the homeless, the wealthy, executives, those impacted by crime (victim and the accused), people living with a disability, youth of all kinds, domestic violence survivors, and families in need.​ Having a very successful history of pushing boundaries to achieve great success, has shown us how to best work with people to help them achieve their best, no matter their situation.
We are known for turning everything we touch, into gold - ie successful in everything we do, and have worked with Tier 1 people and businesses to improve their ROI (how we help business is can be found here). We have for years, proven that the homeless man is no different to the experienced professional, except for the hand up.
One of our original stories from 2005 was a young bloke who dropped out of school to do an apprenticeship in a small rural town, we then pushed him by sourcing not one, not two, but three, now four opportunities over the years to 2019, and from a Year 10 drop out, to now Chief Engineer with international opportunity ($200k+), life can be exactly what you want it to be, with the right support. Without us, this beautiful human would most likely still be in his first organisation due to comfort. We are happy to report since day one, we have helped him grow, professionally, and personally through investment and property, and smart decisions, to enable him to be the man he has become today.
We hold long term relationships with our people, for this very reason. When we compare him to our homeless, of which we have helped many over the years, we have proven that our homeless man who in 3 weeks now has a business that can do $10,000 per week using our strategy, is in a better financial position than our professional client, and this is just down to our profound impact on both their lives.
How we help you, is dependent on your situation.
Our journey with the 'wealthy'.
We make the rich richer, through smart investment, and their life easier, through business strategy for innovation, but the more powerful reason for doing this, is because without knowing, the rich then naturally help the rest of the world, when they engage us.​ When people with money or a vision come to us, to invest smart, for themselves, or their family, they benefit, whilst helping the world, as our fee goes straight into community. It's a win-win situation for all involved. We also do a growing donation system, by where people can list an account in a person or organisations name, and we will grow it on their behalf - a fantastic strategy to help community organisations, or people in need, or a growing gift for a family or friend.
Our journey with the homeless.
We have many success stories of homeless success, and this is a topic we are truly passionate about. The homeless we have helped have been recommended to our service or found us naturally, and we provide effort to help them find happiness, through a home, but also a future, in employment, business or investment. The homeless come in many different forms, and no matter the history, we are here to help.
Our journey with executives.
We are so much more than a coach, mentor or manager. For years, we have helped executives grow and prosper, even when they doubt themselves. Whether this is professionally through career, or personally through business and investment, executives are humans, and go through the same personal battles of the human journey. We want people to work smarter, not harder, for their happiness.
Our journey with those impacted by crime
We don’t take notice of your history when speaking with you, we help you no matter your situation. We have helped those who have come upon hard times due to criminal action. Even with those of a serious nature, who are unable to find work, we have assisted them through alternative means of income generation through investment, where they now live independently, with rules in place, that we will only help as long as they do good in the world, and try their best to live happily. We have provided homes, jobs, investment and continued opportunity for growth for people no matter their situation, and we never give up.
Our journey with disability.
A topic we are passionate about, as we firmly believe that the only disability in life is a bad attitude. My mother passed from Motor Neuron Disease in 2014, and first showed symptoms in 2011, she was a very respected professional, and very headstrong and independent. The disease is one that doctor’s struggle to diagnose until later stages, when every alternative option has been dismissed. We never gave up. She had to retire due to the inability to walk, talk, and function independently, and we built her a business she could operate from her iPad with touch and wave gestures, which enabled her to continue her work.
We provided for her until her last day through our smart investments and business strategy, ensuring she completed her swallow and breathing successfully, moved her limbs so she was comfortable, and her only mode of communication was her eyeballs.
Having commenced my professional journey in 2006, working in rehabilitation and therapy, and passionate about making people smile no matter their condition, I have an extensive history helping those with disabilities live fulfilled lives. ​Shortly after my mother passed from MND, my partner was critically injured due a work incident, and incurred complications during surgery, which resulted in him being in ICU. It has been a long road to stability, both physically and mentally, for him (and us as the primary carer).
Our journey with youth.
Another topic we are passionate about. From foundation ages, children require inspiration, positive energy, and a life filled with hope and happiness, and we do this. Our daughter influences our vision, and she knows, through our work, that any child or family that comes upon hard times, she knows to give them our details, and we will help them, no matter their situation. She goes to a very multi cultural school, where there are 28 different languages spoken amongst 400 children. We are culture obsessed, and she is a true Australian adopted into a Punjabi family - A popular topic of conversation.
In 2019 she wanted an ‘open birthday’, where every child with a disability, or those who felt bullied or lonely, could be invited to her party, where we would cover the costs, as she also recognises that many can’t afford daily luxuries, and that’s ok. Fast forward to pre-teen and teenage years, youth require discipline and guidance in life, but most of all, support. We have worked with a lot of youth, troubled or not, but I feel our profound impact on the most troubled, who people warn us not to help, shows our result.
No matter their history, and their situation, we will help. We have helped many troubled youth causing havoc on our streets, providing homes, and a constant support to place them into roles ongoing until they find their passion, and we don’t give up. And when work isn’t suitable, a responsible method of investment so that they become independent, and responsible for their own lives.
Yes we have had our bad experiences, properties set on fire, been stolen from, and mistreated, however we will not give up, even when their parents have.
Our journey with victims of Domestic Violence.
Life is meant to be lived, and happily. We are passionate about helping women, and men, and carers of children. We have numerous examples of how we've provided safe homes for victims interstate, provided necessities, employment, investment, and life where they can smile, and have a sense of hope, that life will improve, because we don't give up
The fees you pay us to make you successful, get re-invested, to grow starting capital for individuals that need it the most to get a start with us, and back on track in life. In fact, in our registration, we ask you what change you would like to see in the world, and we start acting on that change. You can pay your bill with us via $, or pay-it-forward credits, with each credit being worth $50.
We charge for our time, general mentoring and support starts from $500 per hour +GST, with average blocks being $50, and we charge for our projects, on a per task basis.
This may mean job sourcing (yes, we are more than a resume writer, we'll place in you a job with our network).
Or life strategy - we'll review your current situation with life, and build you a new life plan, and work with you to ensure it's successful.
And money is no longer an excuse, because we raise capital for people to get a start. That's why we're so successful.
Your initial consultation
Is $250+GST, or no charge if you pay it forward with your networks, remembering every referral is worth $50 credit with our service. Our initial consultation discusses your goals, how we can help you, and clear expectations, and by leaving a first impression review, and shout out to the world, it comes at no cost to you.
Our express investment can turn $50 into near to $2000 in 7 days,
and we use this strategy to help people with our investment.
Our standard $250 money mentor consultation takes every individual from "I can't afford it", to "I can, and I will".
A recent $150 ULTIS fee provided a $900 per week
employment opportunity for a client.
A recent $250 ULTIS fee provided a $600 per day
contractor opportunity for a client.